by eManifest Centre | Oct 29, 2015 | FAQ
Many carriers attempting to cross into the United States are experiencing delays and/or entry denial because the truck license plate data available to the border officers is incorrect. Even trucks that have crossed without issue a week ago are now being denied entry...
by eManifest Centre | Jul 14, 2015 | FAQ
Carriers going into Canada are required to have an emanifest when crossing empty. For entry into the United States it is not mandatory to have an emanifest however it is recommended to have an emanifest when crossing empty by CBP. When requesting an emanifest for an...
by eManifest Centre | May 27, 2015 | FAQ
Yes. For entry into the United States or Canada, both CBP and CBSA require a new ACE or ACI eManifest submission. Each eManifest includes a unique Trip Number that identifies the eManifest and can thus only be used once. After ‘arriving’ at the border, an ACE or...
by eManifest Centre | May 27, 2015 | FAQ
Some freight may require specialized equipment to facilitate transportation. This equipment is referred to as Instruments of International Traffic or Trade (IIT’s). Both CBP and CBSA require the reporting of IIT’s. When completing your eManifest request you will need...
by eManifest Centre | May 27, 2015 | FAQ
No. eManifest is in addition to existing border crossing procedures. When exporting/importing commercial goods between the United States and Canada the shipment must be reported to CBP/CBSA via eManifest. The goods still need to be cleared by a customs broker. The...
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