The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) now requires highway carriers to electronically submit conveyance, cargo, secondary and importer data to the CBSA at least one hour prior to their arrival at the border. This will enable the CBSA to risk assess and determine if the goods being imported pose a threat to Canada’s health, safety and/or security.

In response to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the attempted attack on the White House the Canadian Government created the Canada Border Service Agency (replacing the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) with a new emphasis on public safety and national security. This is evident with Border Services Officers now carrying collapsible batons, pepper spray, handcuffs and side arms. Another tool helping Border Services Officers identify possible threats to Canadian health, safety and security is the Advanced Commercial Information (ACI) program. ACI provides CBSA officers with electronic pre-arrival information helping them identify possible threats from commercial goods before goods actually arrive in Canada. eManifest is the highway phase of  ACI. ACI eManifest requires highway carriers to electronically send advance commercial information about their shipments to CBSA at least one hour before arrival. This information will help CBSA Border Services Officers to detect high risk shipments while allowing low-risk shipments to cross more efficiently.

At present ACI eManifest is in an informed compliance state. While highway carriers will not be denied entry during this period they are being strongly urged to use this time to adopt emanifest requirements into their business practices before administrative monetary penalties (AMPS) come into force. As a third party service provider eManifest Service Centre is in a position to help your business develop the best eManifest solution for your particular needs. Send us an email or give us a call. We are here to help make ACI eManifest easy for you!


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