The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) now requires highway carriers to electronically submit conveyance, cargo, secondary and importer data to the CBSA at least one hour prior to their arrival at the border. This will enable the CBSA to risk assess and determine if the goods being imported pose a threat to Canada’s health, safety and/or security.

ACI eManifest will be deployed over an eighteen-month period. Once all reporting systems become publicly available there will be a twelve-month period for clients to incorporate eManifest into their business processes. After the first year the eManifest regulations will take effect however there will be a six-month period of informed compliance. After the implementation time line is complete clients not in compliance may be subject to administrative monetary penalties (AMPs).

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that the eManifest implementation timeline for highway carriers began on November 1, 2011. This means on November 1, 2012, highway carriers that do not comply with the requirement to electronically transmit cargo and conveyance data ahead of arrival at the border will be denied entry and will face zero-rated (non-monetary) penalties. Subsequently, on May 1, 2013, highway carriers that do not comply with the requirements will be denied entry to Canada and face monetary penalties.

Important update. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that due to timelines associated with regulatory processes, the CBSA is extending the eManifest informed compliance period for highway carriers. Regulations to enforce eManifest requirements for highway carriers are expected to be in place in fall 2013. The CBSA anticipates being able to provide carriers as much as 45 days advance notice of the mandatory compliance date.

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