Many carriers attempting to cross into the United States are experiencing delays and/or entry denial because the truck license plate data available to the border officers is incorrect. Even trucks that have crossed without issue a week ago are now being denied entry because the truck license plate the border officer now sees on his computer screen is not the same as the license plate shown on the ACE Electronic Manifest cover sheet. How can this be?
The problem seems to be how Customs and Border Protection now acquires truck data. When a truck is entered in ACE it is referenced by the truck’s VIN. When an emanifest submission is made to ACE we send the license plate with state or province of issue and the VIN. Somewhere along the way ACE has connected to the DTOPS (Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System) data base. ACE no longer sees the license plate entered on the emanifest. What they do see is any old license plate associated to that trucks VIN in DTOPS. This means if a truck arrives at the border that at sometime in the past had a different license plate with a transponder that was never properly deleted from that truck the border officer will only see the old license plate. Even though the driver can show valid registration for, and an ACE Electronic Manifest cover sheet displaying the current license plate they may be denied entry. How can this be fixed?
The transponder associated to the trucks VIN must be removed. If you have purchased this truck used then you need to contact the previous owner and have them delete this truck from there account. Scraping the transponder decal off the windshield does delete the transponder from DTOPS. The old license plate will still be in ACE.
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