by eManifest Centre | Jan 26, 2015 | What's New
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) now requires highway carriers to electronically submit conveyance, cargo, secondary and importer data to the CBSA at least one hour prior to their arrival at the border. This will enable the CBSA to risk assess and determine if...
by eManifest Centre | Jan 1, 2015 | What's New
On January 1st, 2015 eManifest Service Centre launched a new and improved web site. Many truck stops offering faxing are charging two dollars a page. With smart phones becoming common we decided to provide a web site where our customers can send us their eManifest...
by eManifest Centre | Jan 1, 2015 | FAQ
ACE – Automated Commercial Environment. (US Customs and Border Protection) ACI – Advanced Commercial Information. (Canada Border Services Agency) Barcode Labels – When attached to a commercial invoice barcode labels are used to identify specific shipments. See PAPS...
by eManifest Centre | Jan 1, 2015 | FAQ
eManifest is the solution to a problem that began when borders needed increased security while minimizing delays. eManifest allows carriers and shippers to electronically submit their information to the border prior to their arrival. Customs Agents are able to process...
by eManifest Centre | Jan 1, 2015 | FAQ
Generally all commercial shipments require an eManifest. If not sure or someone has suggested you need an emanifest and you would like a second opinion we suggest contacting the border directly. Call eManifest Service Centre and we will provide a current phone number...
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